Tribal Council Process

Now that the Tribal Council is approved and fully operational with the passing of FIP-82, this post will serve as the documentation for how the Tribal Council would exercise its optimistic governance rights.

1. Scope:

The Tribal Council may propose anything that it has the power to affect. The ROLE_ADMIN is the most powerful role it has, which grants many lower level powers such as moving PCV to approved addresses, changing parameters on contracts such as PSMs, etc.

These proposals are required on-chain to go through a 4 day optimistic (vetoable) timelock. The Nope DAO would be able to veto any of these proposals.

The ROLE_ADMIN has the ability to grant or use any of the low-medium level roles listed here.

2. Transparency:

Upon proposing, the Tribal Council must immediately post a forum post on with the specifics of a proposal in as much detail as possible, including the timelock proposal id and execution timestamp. i.e. id=0xbd07e4f9279c696ebd7dc3d3aecc0e1c1cb10082540007b30101dcbff208f6f2
execution timestamp=2022-05-27 22:27:02 UTC.

The id is not the transaction id but rather the operation id of the timelock transaction found in the logs. The id is relevant for constructing a veto proposal. The timestamp would be the earliest date the proposal can execute.

In addition, there should be a notification to the @governance tribe group in the Fei discord. Anyone can get this role to subscribe to notifications by following the instructions in the #roles channel.

3. Vetoability:

The Nope DAO is a trust-minimized on chain way to veto any Tribal Council proposal. The Nope DAO can immediately veto any Tribal Council proposal upon reaching a 10m TRIBE quorum.

To veto, follow the instructions listed in the documentation here.

As an alternative veto mechanism, any community member can post a veto snapshot with at least a 48h duration. This snapshot can simply include a link to the forum post from step 2, and a single Veto option. As soon as the veto passes a 10M quorum + majority, the Tribal Council or Guardian will veto the relevant proposal.


I would like to amend this process so that veto snapshots include only a single vote option, “VETO”. That way there is no need for people to vote on optimistic snapshots they do not object to.