Status: Last Call
Summary: This is a proposal to authorize OA and the Tribe DAO to use funds in OA or the timelock for funding grants of future Security Audits for Tribe DAO products.
Motivation: Based on the success of FIP-81, this is an invitation to discuss and approve the use of Tribe DAO funding for security audit work for the Tribe DAO ecosystem.
The Tribe DAO is one of the fastest moving teams in all of crypto, and as such needs to be able to engage security professionals and auditing firms quickly with DAO funds.
The audit time will be negotiated and scheduled on the basis of an agreed scope, and can be funded through OA for values under $250,000 per month. More comprehensive engagements deserve a dedicated community discussion.
The OA approval should only be used to fund projects with reputable firms, such as: ConsenSys Diligence, OpenZepplin, Codearena, Immunefi, Codearena, Zellic, Spearbit, SigmaPrime, Trail of Bits and known independent reviewers, etc.
Proposal: Grant OA the ability to transfer up to $250,000 USD in cryptocurrency or stablecoins per month to fund security audit expenses to reputable security firms and known independent reviewers.