Proposal: FIP-31
Status: Submitted to DAO
FEI DAO Timelock Upgrade
Upgrades the FEI DAO Timelock and grants the guardian the power to veto proposals.
Adds in functionality to roll back to the old timelock via DAO vote or guardian action with a deadline of November 1st, 2021.
Given the scope of Fei V2, an upgraded security model seems advisable to protect the DAO
and its assets. Giving the guardian the ability to veto proposals is a good way to protect
against unintended consequences, whether by malicious actors or good-faith accidents.
An optional rollback to the old timelock is added if needed, with a deadline of November 1st, 2021. This rollback can be activated by either the guardian or the DAO itself.
This proposal also moves the Kashi LP tokens to the OA Timelock.
- Update Timelock to FeiDAOTimelock
- Grant Governor to FeiDAOTimelock
- Grant PCVController to FeiDAOTimelock
- Revoke PCVController from old Timelock
- Grant Minter to FeiDAOTimelock
- Revoke Minter from old Timelock
- Transfer 1M kashi DPI LP tokens to OA Timelock
- Transfer 2.5M kashi ETH LP tokens to OA Timelock
- Transfer 2.5M kashi TRIBE LP tokens to OA Timelock"
- Transfer 2.5M kashi xSUSHI LP tokens to OA Timelock