Fei Protocol Development Structure/Timeline

This post is great! We need to foster more transparency and direction going forward after dealing with all of the issues since launch.

We’ll work on a roadmap to publish in the days after direct incentives are reinstated

The multisig would be responsible initially for Guardian functionality, but we could expand it to have the ability to issue grants in FEI or TRIBE

Before we have this we should consider the mechanism by which the assets are managed, this could be a multisig or a DAO. The DAO would be safer and probably slower, whereas a multisig with a large number of signers could be responsible for moving assets based on a charter and snapshot voting. We can have the treasury be held in some kind of balancer pool or index token as well.

I like @Bruno 's suggestion of having a working group to come up with a proposal here.

For this perhaps we can have grants allocated towards specific integrations for the teams that drive each one. One thing that would be interesting to explore is offering PCV to integrating projects as a sort of two-way street benefit

Yes I’d like to start having regular AMAs and community calls after the peg is restored

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