Turbo Whitelist Template

Tribe Turbo is a new financial primitive that will begin a guarded rollout on Apr 20, 2022. Turbo allows any DeFi token to become productive by sharing the yield generated from a costless FEI line of credit.

Learn more about Tribe Turbo here: Tribe Turbo. The Tribe DAO strongly believes that a… | by Fei Labs | Fei Protocol | Medium

On April 20, 2022, the Tribe DAO will onboard Olympus and Balancer. From that point forward, every week a new DAO will be onboarded until the full rollout in late-May 2022.

Learn more about the launch here: Tribe Turbo Launch — Tribe DAO

If you are an owner of a Fuse pool and interested in Turbo, we ask that you fill out the following template with answers to the questions and provide details were asked on the Tribe Forum under “Turbo Whitelist ”. The community will then discuss on the forums, and the Optimistic Approval multi-sig will provide you access, and the community will guide you through the whole process for using Turbo.

If you do not have a DAO operated Fuse pool, you can contact Discord and the community can help set you up with one or follow the instructions below. You can also deploy the FEI to any Fuse pool or whitelisted strategy of your choice if you do not want to open a Fuse pool.

To set up a Fuse Pool for your DAO, head to the Rari Capital Portal and press “create pool.” The UI will then walk you through the process and include parameters such as:

  1. Custom token
  2. Custom oracles
  3. Interest rate models
  4. Collateral factor and reserve factor

If you have any questions during the process, please do not hesitate to contact anyone from the Tribe DAO through Discord or Twitter.

Learn more about the whitelist criteria here: Snapshot

(This is subject to change in the future, but must be maintained for our guarded launch)


  1. DAO/Individual name
  2. Name of token to be collateralized
  3. Market cap of token
  4. Average daily on-chain liquidity volume over 30 days (Supply cap must be < 2*avg 30d volume)
  5. Volatility
  6. Link to Chainlink feed
  7. Link to verified token contract
  8. Link to token security audit
  9. Link to development test environment
  10. Proof that ownership of token is not an EOA
  11. Explanation of inflationary token (if applicable)
  12. Explanation of token lockups (if applicable)
  13. Proof of widely distributed token holders
  14. Anything else you wish to share about your protocol/co-marketing strategies/reason for liquidity