FIP-2 FEI Redemption + TRIBE staking

Lol :popcorn: me like proposal. Me use small bag to vote yes :brain: fingers buttery but try to explein:

In the thread of my proposal for TRIBE staking pools, I already said that I support the idea of a fixed-price FEI redeem faucet from PCV (& you seemed to agree @Inaniel ? relevant part of the discussion below).

I think the idea of allocating a part of the PCV to allow FEI redeem at a fixed price is necessary for the peace of mind of FEI users. “What if the algo stability feils ? Well, worst case, i’ll exit with the faucet”. It allows for better (risk-free) arbitrage below faucet price & it’s an important psychological aspect to maintain peg price (or at least some boundary around it, if the faucet redeems as far as 5% below the peg).

It’s also important that the faucet has a limited reserve, because if ETH sharply drops overnight and the protocol becomes undercollateralized, we don’t want the faucet to empty PCV & leave some worthless FEI in circulation. It seems to be the case here :+1:

@joey I hope that “95% of dollar peg price” is a parameter that can be adjusted by DAO. For the short term when this proposal passes, we’ll set it to 95%, but later on it’s good to keep the mechanism of a “ReserveStabilizer” and be able to adjust it to, like, .99$, when peg is held closely with a <0.01$ volatility for some time :

  • Worst case, if the community doesn’t like it, we can just configure the PCVSplitter to give nothing to the “ReserveStabilizer”.
  • Better case, it’s a new feature in the protocol that can stay for a while & not a throw-away feature developed just to relieve the current situation.

Once the direct incentives are turned back on, that idea of a faucet is even stronger because the effective sell price including burn fees will push the market price above the faucet price. For instance, if the faucet redeems at 95% peg (5% off peg), the market price should not go down below \sqrt5\%\approx2.23\% off-peg, because under that the effective sell price is <0.95$.

Later, with a 99% faucet, it’s even better because of the shape of the square function below 1%.

I would have passed on using 25% of the DAO treasury for that (>70% APY is already pretty good), I think there could be better uses for it, like some TRIBE-only staking mechanism. But since the proposal is a “package” and I want to see things move forward…

Also, can’t say no to additional TRIBE, as a staker :wink:

Looking forward to that, I also think we should work on a TRIBE-only staking mechanism ASAP.

Transparency. Aligned with the long term interests of the protocol. Good :+1: :evergreen_tree: