TIP-121: Proposal for the future of the Tribe DAO

We need some clarification on some stuff.

  1. How much $TRIBE would be eligible to receive reimbursement? Do people that front run the proposal get to receive payment? If so why are you enabling Insider Trading?

  2. If Fei Labs is no longer involved does that mean they will not be delegating via their team and their company to swing the vote?

  3. We need a firm time frame. I believe that we should do it on a vote basis. Any accounts that vote (against or in favor) on the proposal should receive 2/3rd on a per token basis of the PCV compared to the remaining tokens that did not vote. This will protect retail. THIS WOULD ALSO APPLY FOR RARI HACK HOLDERS AND EASILY MAKE THE DEBT DISAPPEAR.

That is basically it. Insider trading shouldn’t be supported and clarity is needed. If it is intentionally vague, that could just mean you guys are doing it purposefully to front run it…

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