Merger Quick Eli5

Cross-posting a shorter version of my post in the amendment forum here to get immediate attention.

ELI 5: The current rage quit mechanic encourages ALL old TRIBE holders to rage quit because they can cash out at a 30%+ premium to the post-deal protocol equity allocable to each TRIBE. Their rage quitting will further reduce the protocol equity leaving future TRIBE holders with even less PCV, and potentially leave FEI undercollateralized.

Moreover, because of these incentives, all “old TRIBE” who are eligible to cash out should vote for it to transfer wealth to themselves from the entire protocol at a cost to the future TRIBE holders who are excluded from the rage quit. This is analogous to the old TRIBE 51% attacking the new TRIBE.

More detail here: Merger Ragequit Mechanics Amendment - #12 by court_jester

Solution: Remove the rage quit option until we can further understand the mechanics.