I don't want a Undo Button

I am a TRIBE 100% SWAP buyer.

I exchanged half for FEI at 1.27, the lowest TRIBE price. It was for staking.

Is my behavior wrong?

As a Genesis participant, I couldn’t withstand a drop of more than 50%.

Recently, the community has come up with a strategy to give FEI participants a 100% refund if they give up TRIBE.

They want to be rewarded with the same ETH, not worth 1$. good. So what are the benefits of TRIBE buyers? Will it be better as there are no FEI buyers? Anyone can do such delusions. Fair compensation must also be paid to TRIBE buyers.

Buyers of FEI wanted to buy for the value of $1. Then it must be refunded for the same value, not ETH.
I don’t understand why the ETH price rises and claims to have to be refunded in ETH.

In the community, TRIBE is the same investor. You need the same rewards, not a delusional strategy.

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I support you, PCV decides the price of tribe, and PCV Undo should recalculate the price of tribe! ! ! No one cares about people who are 100% preswap now. Do you have a lot of money? Don’t care about these losses at all?

My proposal here for pre-swapper:

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Let the team get a reworked pegging Algo in before uni v3 in may. I imagine that’s what the team is trying to do so we should support.

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