Further analysis of Tribe Turbo with Gauntlet

Storm- thank you for the kind words, and appreciate your questions. Answers below.

Revenue would be measured based on borrow interest from the Turbo/Fuse lending pools. Revenue generated from yield aggregation or stableswap liquidity provisioning is out of scope.

Our proposal supports the below parameters and SLAs. The Update SLA aims to be reactive and event-driven rather than a fixed frequency. Revenue attribution will initially be specific to Turbo/Fuse lending pools but we welcome discussions with other participating DAOs that are interested in (or have already expressed interest in) utilizing Gauntlet’s services.

Parameter Update SLA
Core Lending Model
Supply Cap Weekly or Daily as needed
LTV Weekly or Daily as needed
Global Parameters (support Q2)
Total FEI Supply (for boosting) Weekly or Daily as needed
Collateral Factors Weekly or Daily as needed
Turbo Boost Parameters (support Q2)
Boost Cap Per Strategy Weekly or Daily as needed
Boost Cap Per Collateral Weekly or Daily as needed
Turbo Clerk (support late Q2)
Fee % Overrides Per Safe Weekly or Daily as needed
Fee % Overrides Per Collateral Weekly or Daily as needed

After the 1 year service term, all payments to Gauntlet would cease under this proposal. In order to continue receiving payments, Gauntlet would have to put up a proposal to the Tribe DAO for contract renewal. Ahead of that time we will have provided a retrospective on Gauntlet’s impact for the prior year with regards to risk mitigation and value creation.

While our models are not open sourced, we will provide details of our methodology so that the community can be confident in our parameter recommendations. Additionally, we will produce monthly forum posts recapping our recommendations and participate in community calls to discuss risk and parameter changes as well as any anomalies observed.

I also want to share an update from our end. At the time we sent this proposal to the FEI Core team we noted that we also had several other active proposals outstanding and operate on a first come, first serve basis. We do this to ensure that our resourcing aligns with providing the highest levels of service to our clients. Since that time, we have received a deposit from another protocol. With other prospective clients close to contracting it may make more sense to re-engage after protocol launch at which time we’d be excited to put forth another proposal.

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