Summary: Add and remove deposits to bring Collateralization Oracle up to date.
Motivation: The Collateralization Oracle is an on-chain contract used for a few key mechanisms in Fei v2:
- Buyback amount
- Risk Curves
- Backstop trigger
In addition it is used for off chain integrations as well.
Proposal: Since its release, the Collateralization Oracle has gotten out of date due to a few deposits not being deployed. The changes to include are:
- add FEI-LUSD auction
- add Aave FEI
- add CREAM (reimbursed from hack)
- add BAL (from FIP-33 treasury swap)
- add rari pool 7 and 91 LUSD deposits
- add a new StaticPCVDeposit for manual tracking of things like Laa$ FEI
- add FEI in the TRIBE buybacks auction
- remove some duplicates and old contracts
Because this is a routine contract upgrade, it is going straight to on-chain vote here: Tally | Fei Proposal