Exclude Rage Quit from Merger Because It Will Lead to Mass Rage Quit and Drain Protocol Equity

@klob In light of the discussion with @joey https://tribe.fei.money/t/merger-ragequit-mechanics-amendment/3755/19?u=court_jester, I feel comfortable with the balance we are striking here given the fast-moving timeline of the merger.

However, I want to again encourage the team @joey @klob to clearly explain how the Rage Quit will work as we go into the final merger vote and to show how there will be distributional effects within the TRIBE community. The most obvious is that anyone who recently acquired TRIBE, comes in from RGT or holds unvested TRIBE (YOU!) will be on the “PCV losing” side of the buyback.

I personally believe that the team’s sitting on this side of the equation is a powerful testament of its commitment to making TRIBE work now and in the future. Let’s be transparent about that, too!

@klob Hope we are also now more in sync!